
This is the place to add an Institutional  Subscription for your school.  Cohort to Coaching, Customization and special  programming packages may also be purchased here. Need more info or support during your purchases? Get in touch below
Coaching SEL teaching readiness (Virtual)
CHF 1,500.00 CHF 1,500.00 1500.0 CHF
Our highly qualified trainers will meet with your teaching staff to develop and deploy results oriented participatory coaching to boost both professional understanding of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) as well as the likelihood that SEL lessons will be implemented with high fidelity to curricular learning goals and student outcomes in the classroom environment. This is Class to Coaching Cohort arrangement*. It comes with material and starter kit, plus 4 weekly office hour sessions for individualized coaching with one on one support. Number of participants per cohort is limited to five. This is a virtual cohort.
*Explore more about Class to Coaching Cohort arrangements here. Pricing is based on a-la-cart cost for one participant. Institutional subscribers can add staff members according to their subscription level allowance.
CHF 2,700.00 CHF 2,700.00 2700.0 CHF
Major savings available when purchasing our IYLM Digital Drama "Displaced" with TIGERS Tool. Once purchased, options to upgrade to PLAN open up with more savings.
Trauma Informed Guides for Educators and Recovering Survivors, is called TIGERS Tool.
CHF 1,200.00 CHF 1,200.00 1200.0 CHF
Our TIGERS Tool and our subject matter experts for trauma informed teaching enable specific learning goals, facilitate group discussion, and develop applied competencies through the case method. The workshop covers the different exposures of childhood trauma and how best to support recovering survivors in the classroom and wider scholastic setting. This Tool is best purchased with our Digital Drama Displaced. See the package bundle for savings. This is virtual pricing, for estimates of in-person facilitation plus travel expenses please contact us directly.
Instructional Coaching for Building Equity through Creative Writing
CHF 1,200.00 CHF 1,200.00 1200.0 CHF
Teacher coaching quickly translates into giant leaps in the classroom when educators know how to build equity through creative writing and spoken word poetry. We coach our teachers to inquire, inspire and ignite the meaning of story-telling for themselves and then their classroom students. Price is for a virtual workshop of 2.5 hours (can be split over two evenings). Coaching class size is limited to 8 educator-participants.
Equity Coach for Literacy Development (short course)
CHF 550.00 CHF 550.00 550.0 CHF
For educators switching to evidence-based practices for teaching literacy, this course tackles common challenges and science backed practice solutions for teaching literacy with neurodiverse children, children for whom English is a second language, children from marginalized families . Price is on a per learner basis, 30% discounts apply to groups of five or more.
Virtual coaching for faculty & staff  through "PHOTOVOICE" methodology to build DEI or SEL skills
CHF 450.00 CHF 450.00 450.0 CHF
Many professional trainings exclude community members without realizing the potential for having a diversity of voices heard and included in revitalized trainings. Learn all about the innovative, tested, and highly developed method called Photovoice and how it may be deployed to generating participation and advocacy that is relevant to your community. Price is for a 1.5 hour session. Tools and further readings included.
LIVE & IN PERSON! Social Emotional Learning Workshop with performances by Art of Living Collective and debrief sessions with Andrea Patterson
CHF 8,000.00 CHF 8,000.00 8000.0 CHF
In person SEL trainings for an academic year (3 semesters). Workshops are tailored to your staff, teachers, administrators, or student grade. Pricing is for a full year of workshops (four full days in total) and is not dependent on number of people joining. Fort further details and information on tailoring contact directly. Any travel expenses and accommodation must be paid for by the school or district separately and in advance of workshop dates.
IN PERSON StoryTeller from our Digital Drama Library
CHF 5,300.00 CHF 5,300.00 5300.0 CHF
OBIE lifetime award winning teaching artist Andrea Pattersons presents Displaced in this non-digital version of our IYLM drama. Costs include production and debrief. To add TIGERS Tool see package and subscription options.
Mentored Teacher-Led Professional Development
CHF 150.00 CHF 150.00 150.0 CHF
What is teacher-led PD and how is it achievable in your school? We provide a moderated pilot peer group learning module in which teachers choose a passion project to pursue as a means to completing state or district mandated professional development hours. We mentor teachers and help them choose, curate and complete a project from our menu or a suggested topics, or one that they suggest and meets state PD requirements. CONTACT us to find out more or schedule a demo of Teacher-led PD Mentored Session. Price reflects the per enrolee cost.
Coached Inquiry-based professional development peer groups
CHF 460.00 CHF 460.00 460.0 CHF
This 5 week course supports peer educator groups on their Inquiry-based Professional Development journey. Cost is per educator-participant and is available only through institutional subscriptions. Price is per participant with 30% discounts for groups of 5 and above.
School Head Lice Outbreaks & Community Solutions
CHF 0.00 0.0 CHF
Head Lice infestations in children's hair start with the beginning of the school year and peaks around Halloween. Sound scary? No need to panic or bring anxiety to parents. It is true that recurring head lice can lead to missed school, less productive classrooms and insomnia due to itchiness or anxiety. However, school climate can suffer if parents get upset, kids get blamed and families are stigmatized during outbreaks. This ten part Head Lice Community Solutions course covers a lot of ground. Who benefits? Everyone including school nurses, teachers, families and students. Counter stress, anxiety, insomnia and the social emotional fallout from recurrence by properly handling school outbreaks with the facts, optimal safety, and respectful, responsible language practices. Price is per school community. Free for all new subscribers, or those with special code.
School Climate how to asses it, and improve it: A community based approach to participatory action reseach
CHF 5,500.00 CHF 5,500.00 5500.0 CHF
This project offer a methodology and semester long coached project to evaluate school climate with families in the community. The methods for community based participatory evaluation research will be documented with a published report and community project as the two final deliverables. All details, including the methods, stakeholders, timelines, and scope will be agreed upon during planning meetings prior to the project initiation. A logic model will be drawn up and managed from beginning to end. This project is led by Dr. Katherine Schlatter and implemented by highly trained subject matter experts working in the THENCE school climate and belonging program.